Rental and Housing Assistance
Let us be your Resource in Property Management

A program that offers rent and utility assistance to Arizona renters impacted by COVID-19 pandemic.
*Pinal County only*Maricopa County and Food Resources
2-1-1 Arizona App: 211 Arizona 2-1-1 within AZ 877-211-8661
AZ wallet cards: Assistance, Rental Assistance, Homeless Services, Emergency Food, Transportation Information, Medical and Mental Health Services, Community Services
A New Leaf
Housing and Shelter, Domestic Violence Services, Foster Care, Early Childhood Education, Financial Empowerment, Family Support
Arizona Community Action Association (Wildfire AZ) 602-604-0640Emergency Financial Assistance, Utility Assistance, Utility and Telephone Discount Programs, Rental/Mortgage Assistance, Housing Repair, Rehabilitation and Weatherization, Food Boxes and Other Food and Nutrition Programs, Case Management, Advocacy and Referrals, Child Care, Head Start, Housing and Homeless Assistance
Arizona Department of Housing (ADOH) 602-771-1000Assistance with Affordable Housing, Homeless Assistance Agencies, Eviction Prevention Assistance, AZ Foreclosure Help Line, Weatherization Assistance Program, Fair Housing, Landlord Tenant Act, AZ Housing Finance Authority, Programs for Homebuyers, Loan Servicing, Save Our Home AZ, Special Needs Assistance
HUD Provides emergency, transitional, and permanent housingHomeless Coordination Office and coordinates community-based services such as street outreach, emergency shelter, rapid re-housing, homeless prevention and case management
Additional Resources self-assessment quiz is perfect for seniors and family members who don’t know where to start. This makes finding the best choice for them easy. It also discusses ways to achieve healthy aging and the different kinds of support for caregivers. You can view it here:
We are not affiliated with any of these organizations, it is here for a Rental Resource Guide